Summertime is always one of the most fun times of year in our charming beachside Town- with longer days and plenty of sunshine, there’s so many ways to enjoy our beaches, parks, and special events. The summer months also coincide with Sea Turtle Nesting Season, which runs from March through October. It’s an exciting time, because some of the nests are already hatching, and the sea turtles are making their way to the ocean.

Sea turtle nest is roped off in the sand at the base of Anglin's Pier. +Sun is rising over the Atlantic Ocean.

As part of the Town’s conservation efforts, monitors approved by the County come out to our beaches every morning to monitor the sea turtle nests. Once the Town receives the all-clear from Broward County, our contractor, Beach Raker, starts their sweep with tractors to clean our beaches. During their sweep, the sweeper separates out any plastics or inorganic material for disposal from the seaweed before it is buried to help maintain our coastal ecosystem.

Click here to learn more about how Beach Raker cleans our beach.

In addition to the morning sweep, we are grateful to the many organizations and individuals who are committed to keeping our beaches clean and waste-free. There are many ways you can help keep our shoreline looking pristine all year-round.

If you would like to clean the beach or organize a beach clean-up, we appreciate your help! If you want to organize a beach cleanup, please apply for a special event permit by clicking the link below or by calling (954) 640-4200.

Click here to apply for a special event permit.

Here are some ways you can help:

  1. Dispose of your trash

Properly disposing of your trash is the easiest way to keep our beach clean and free of debris.

  1. Avoid Disturbing Sea Oats

If you see debris in the sea oats, please know that they are protected by state laws and remember to steer clear of the sea oats on our  – and any of Florida’s – beaches.

Click here for more info on sea oats’ protection.

  1. Limit single-use plastics

Ditch the plastic and instead use a glass, aluminum, or other reusable container when you’re out and about, as plastics are one of the biggest pollutants on the beach and in the ocean.

Back to our oldest neighbors – here’s some helpful information to know and keep on hand about sea turtle nesting:

1.Respect marked sea turtle nests

Keep an eye out for marked sea turtle nests and respect their space by laying down your beach towel or chair away from the nests.

  1. Report injured sea turtles

If you see a dead, sick, or injured sea turtle or hatchling(s), please call Broward County at (954) 328-0580.

  1. Limit using lights on the beach at night

If you see a sea turtle on shore, please turn off your lights, as turtles rely on the reflection from the moon to guide them back to the ocean and artificial lights can disorient them.

Click here for more info on how you can protect both our environment and our sea turtles.

Relax… and help protect the turtles nesting habits and preserve our charming beach for generations to come.